CNN10 2023-10-30 CNN 10 Israel-Hamas War Enters New Phase as Israeli Forces Launch a Ground Invasion; Moon Gets Some Time In And Out of the Sun With Its Own Partial Eclipse; Researchers Say Napping May Be Beneficial for the Brain. Aired 4- 4:10a ET Aired October 30, 2023 - 04:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. COY WIRE, CNN 10 ANCHOR: What's up, lovely people. Hope you had an awesome weekend. I got to carve some pumpkins. I got to meet some of you like Rufus and Conrad at the old Fourth Ward Skate Park here in Atlanta, tearing it up. Fall is in the air. Halloween is tomorrow, and I'm ready to rock this week with you. I'm Coy Wire. This is CNN 10. And we do have to begin with some heavy news, an update for you out of Israel and Gaza. This weekend, Israeli ground forces entered the Gaza Strip in a new phase of fighting in this three- week-old war. The Israel Defense Force or IDF said, they're bringing in infantry, armor and engineer units. Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu said, this is an all-in attempt to destroy Hamas and free over 200 hostages. The hostages were taken during the deadly October 7th attack on Israel by Hamas, the militant fundamentalist Islamic organization operating in West Bank and Gaza. Israel also ramped up airstrikes over the weekend with many Palestinians saying it was the most intense destruction scene to this point. On Saturday, Prime Minister Netanya warned of a long and difficult war ahead. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) BENJAMIN NETANYAHU, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER (through translator): Our heroic fighters have one supreme goal, to destroy this murderous enemy and ensure the existence of our country. We always said, never again. Never again is now. (END VIDEO CLIP) WIRE: While the IDF says Gazans who had moved south would be in a protected space. The World Health Organization said communication lines are down, making any further evacuation suggestions or aid impossible. On Sunday, the Israeli military says more aid trucks will enter Gaza soon. Many around the world, including Pope Francis are calling for a ceasefire. As aid agencies say humanitarian conditions for those caught in the crossfire are desperate and deteriorating. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) PHILIPPE LAZZARINI, UNRWA COMMISSIONER GENERAL: As we speak, people in Gaza are dying. They're not only dying from bombs and strike. Soon, many more will die from the consequences of siege imposed on the Gaza Strip. (END VIDEO CLIP) WIRE: In a statement, IDF said, war planes hit 150 underground targets Friday and said airstrikes and ground forces are aiming their efforts at destroying Hamas basis. One major area of concern is that those bases are extensive throughout civilian areas, often close to, or even under homes. Even hospitals. Here's CNN's Tom Foreman, to explain more on Israel's planned attacks. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) TOM FOREMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The result of all of this, well, we've seen some of the video of that and it's really quite a sight to see in some cases, whole buildings gone and other places hold blocks gone. These Israelis have insisted that what they're doing is trying to target military assets. Although that may include, for example, the home of a Hamas leader, where there may be a lot of people involved. There's a hospital in which, Hamas says, well, that's a hospital. The Israelis say, yeah, it's a Hamas base hiding in a hospital. That sort of thing. Going after the entrances to tunnels. The tunnel network there is a big deal going after command-and- control structures. If you look at an overall satellite map of the area, you can see that in the Northern part here, this is where most of this has happened. This is where most of the population lives. Every little orange dot there represents one of the strikes that we know of. There's been talk of Israeli troops coming into this area as well. What it all adds up to is really, as we said, at the beginning, an extraordinary military assault on this area. Yes, Hamas has still tried to fire some missiles out striking Israel. Some of them have struck. That seems to be greatly reduced as this tremendous military pressure comes into this area. And we wait to see what might come next. (END VIDEO CLIP) WIRE: This weekend, it looked like someone took a giant bite out of the moon in what's known as a partial lunar eclipse. People in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Western Australia saw it best. But if you were here in the U.S. on the Eastern coast, you may have spotted it too. A lunar eclipse only happens when we have a full moon. We also call that a Hunter's Moon, which may have gotten its name as it once warned hunters to prepare for a cold winter. Many of you may remember, we learned all about solar eclipses on CNN 10, a few weeks ago. That's when the moon passes between the earth and sun. Well, for a lunar eclipse, they switch positions. Can you guess how? Here's CNN's Rachel Crane to help us out? (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) RACHEL CRANE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: A lunar eclipse is when the moon passes through the Earth's shadow. This only occurs during a full moon. Two factors decide which of three possible eclipses the moon will experience. The tilt of the moon's orbit around the earth and which of the Earth's two shadows, the moon falls behind. The Earth's darker inner shadow is known as the umbra, and the lighter outer one is called the penumbra. The penumbra eclipse is when the moon passes through, you guessed it, just the penumbra. NASA says this type of eclipse is so subtle that if you didn't know it was happening, you might not even notice it. A partial eclipse is when the moon only gets covered by part of the Earth's umbra. So only part of it is shaded in darkness by the earth, a partial eclipse happens at least twice a year. And then there's the big one. The total lunar eclipse. These are rare often separated by years and require the moon earth and sun to be in perfect alignment. But don't think this blacks out the moon, as the moon shifts deeper into the umbra, it takes on a red hue, which is sometimes called a blood moon. The moon turns red because the atmosphere is filtering out color at the opposite end of the visible spectrum, the blue light. The short-wave lengths of blue don't travel as far as the long red wave length. So they scatter before reaching our eyes, leaving behind the red glow. Not everyone on earth can see a lunar eclipse at the same time. You'll need to be in an area facing the moon during the moments it's shaded by earth, unlike a solar eclipse, you don't need any special equipment to enjoy a lunar eclipse. They're safe to watch at any stage. Although a pair of binoculars might make it more fun. (END VIDEOTAPE) WIRE: Ten second trivia. During which stage of sleep does most dreaming occur? Stage 1, Stage 2, REM, or ROM? Meaning Rapid Eye Movement, REM sleep is the deep sleep phase where the brain is most active. Ah, to nap or not to nap? That is the next question. Sometimes we just feel like we need a midday slumber, right? Or maybe a lot of times we feel that way. Of course, there is a time and a place for everything. Don't go falling asleep on your teacher or teachers don't go falling asleep on your students. Did you know that one-third of adults in the United States take a nap during the day? That's according to the Pew Research Center. Well, CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta says a little siesta might be more helpful for our brains than we might think. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) VICTORIA GARFIELD, RESEARCH FELLOW, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON: There's a bunch of experimental American studies. And what they looked at was essentially whether people who napped versus didn't nap, had any cognitive benefits. These studies showed that it looked like people who took a nap did have better cognitive functions. So their thinking skills improved, whether that be things like how quickly you process things, your memory, those sorts of thinking skills. So the biggest takeaway is that we found very clear effect of having a regular daytime nap on the total size of the brain. DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The study found that people who had regular naps saw an objective difference in brain size compared to those who didn't. We know that as we age, our brain shrink and that can be associated with cognitive decline. And what she's fundamentally saying is that people who napped regularly in many ways had younger brains than those who didn't. (On camera): Is there a right length of a nap? And is it possible to sleep or nap too much? GARFIELD: One of the issues that that people say often you sleep for too long in the day. As you wake up feeling groggy, you wake up feeling worse and that's because you've gone into deep sleep. Your brain is preparing and mimicking that sleep at night and think you're now ready to sleep for the rest of the day. So in order to avoid that, we've been quite conservative and said, well, maybe something up to about 30 minutes. (END VIDEOTAPE) WIRE: Wake up lovely people. It's time for today's story getting a 10 out of 10. Check out this emperor penguin chick, trying to emerge from a shell at SeaWorld San Diego. It has a beak malformation. So curators helped it out. On September 12th, this tuxedo baby became the first emperor penguin to be born at SeaWorld San Diego in a decade. Now, that's a pengwin. The endangered emperor penguins are native to Antarctica. They can grow to be more than four feet tall and way up to 90 pounds. This young is now growing strong, eating lots of fish, even drinking fish milkshakes. I always thought that penguin ate iceberg crisp or even burritos. We hope you have an ice day. We don't know what would we do without you. I'm penguin to think that I've taken this punty far enough. Our first shout out of the week is going to The tigers at Red Oak Junior and Senior High in Red Oak, Iowa. It's your moment, so own it. I'll leave you with this, for those of us out there, feeling a case of the Mondays. Remember what happened the last few days doesn't matter. And what may or may not happen in the days to come doesn't matter, either. Right here, right now, that is where the magic can happen. Rise up. I'm Coy Wire. And we are CNN 10. END